About Just Dandy
Just Dandy is a Petz 4 site founded in November of 2018. After a computer crash resulted in the loss of most of my crew, I decided to start over. I switched versions from Petz 5, which I had previously played, to Petz 4, where I started rebuilding my crew in the new game. I'm still sad for the loss of my crew, but I'm thankful for the fresh start Just Dandy provides.
The inspiration for Just Dandy's name and ~fancy~ theme comes from my pixelated best pal, Dapper. Dapper is a P5 dog bred by me in 2017. I loved him immediately for his striking blue eyes, his lovely orange fur, and his curly poodle coat, but it soon became clear that his unique personality is what made him stand out the most. Dapper set himself apart by being the silliest, friendliest, most playful dog in my crew, and I'm so happy to have him!

Thankfully, this special dog wasn't lost in the 2018 crash. I tried to bring Dapper into my Petz 4 game by copying his P5 lnz file into a P4 file, "cloning" him so we could keep on playing. Later, when the amazing Reflet created a P5 to P4 converter, I finally managed to bring the real Dapper into my new game!
You can learn more about Dapper and his mortal enemy, Mr. Moo, over on the Dapper & Moo page!
About Lucky Penny Kennels
Just Dandy's predecessor was a P5 website called Lucky Penny Kennels, or LPK for short. It was founded in February 2013 as a way for me to display my beloved pixelated petz, and lasted until November 2018 when I made the switch to P4 and Just Dandy.
Lucky Penny Kennels and Penny's PC alias both derive their names from Penny the dog, a lovely adoption center dalmatian and the first pet adopted in my 2013 game. She was energetic and playful, and she reminded me of the dogz from my very first Petz games I played as a child.
Penny was sadly lost in a crash in 2014, but Lucky Penny Kennels continued to proudly bear the name of the dog that started it all. Although Penny didn't have the looks of a high-gen mixie and didn't have the points of a world-class showdog, her playfulness will always be remembered as the thing that shaped LPK and encouraged me to get involved with the wonderful Petz Community!
You can read more about LPK and Penny the dog on an archived version of Lucky Penny Kennels!
About Me
Call me Penny! I'm a 90s kid who's now studying genetics with the hopes of doing something good for the world.
Petz 5 was my favorite Christmas gift from when I was about 7, and I've been playing it on and off ever since. I discovered the online Petz Community sometime in the mid-2000s, and would spend hours hopping from site to site, admiring people's petz, marveling at complex hexies, and searching like crazy for find-it awards (it's an obsession that continues to this day; check out my collection or stop by the Find-It page for find-its on this site).
I started to get involved in the PC in 2013, and was so happy to find such a creative, supportive, friendly group of people! Even though I was a newbie who didn't know the difference between a dali and a dane pose, everyone was kind to me. It's the reason I'm still here almost a decade later!
In addition to Petz, I like reading, creative writing, playing or DMing D&D 5e adventures, digital and traditional drawing, playing with real dogs, spending way too much time online, and making and hoarding literally hundreds of stamps.
You can contact me at lukkypenniedal@hotmail.com or by looking for Penny or luckypenny on RKC, Whiskerwick, PUGS, TFM, Duke's Group, or many of the Petz discords!