Find-it games are a Petz site tradition that's still popular today! These silly little scavenger hunts will have you searching high and low to find the missing items, but don't worry, you're always rewarded with a prize or two. Care to test out your detective skills with these fun find-it games?
Where is Dapper's Top Hat?
Something's wrong with this picture, but I can't put my finger on it. Dapper's looking very dapper indeed with his monocle and mustache (which you can download too from Gossipin)... but where's his top hat? Oh no! He must have lost it somewhere around here!
If you find a lone top hat on one of these pages, could you return it to Dapper so he'll look as spiffy as can be? If you can find it, you'll get a small graphic award to display on your site!

The Case of the Catnip Caper
Mr. Moo loves exploring the toy closet and playing with any toy I take out ... but what's this? It looks like the catnip plant is missing from the closet! Uh-oh; that's not something we want just anyone to get their paws on.
Do you think you could help me and Mr. Moo find the missing catnip? I would be happy to reward your sleuthing skills with a stamp or two!

Penny's Perplexing Poetry Puzzle
Welcome to Penny's Perplexing Poetry Puzzle, a find-it game with a poetic twist!
In order to find the 10 Poetry Puzzle stamps, you'll have to decipher the clues inside my bad poetry and find the stamps hidden in ~secret places~ around the site! Each stamp you find will come with a poem leading you to the next stamp. I guess it's possible to find stamps by clicking random things until a stamp appears, but this way is way more fun! Will you be able to find all 10 stamps and solve Penny's Perplexing Poetry Puzzle?
Here's your first poem below. Good luck!
The game starts with the first stamp,
The stamp to start it all!
If you want to find this first stamp,
You must look for someone small.