Petzy Gifts
Holidays in the PC are so much fun! From adoption extravaganzas to Discord parties, Petz players love to celebrate with our favorite game. One of my favorite traditions is the cute holiday graphics we send to our friends! This is my collection of little gifts sent to me by members of the PC. Thank you, everyone!

Whiskerwick's annual Valentine's event is one of my favorite PC holidays! It's so fun to see members of the community sharing the love. I got this lovely heart from a secret valentine in the 2019 Love Letter Exchange. Thanks, valentine!

Both of the adorable graphics above were given to me in Whiskerwick's 2021 Love Letter Exchange! I love this event so much because it's so fun to see all the valentines that everyone worked on... it's like seeing a visual representation of the love this community has. I feel so lucky to be a part of that! Thank you so much, my anonymous valentines!

These super cute valentines above were anonymously gifted to me during the 2022 Whiskerwick Love Letter Exchange! It's one of my favorite PC events in the entire year. I love seeing all the creative Valentines (and the associated puns) every Valentine's Day!

Winter is my favorite season, and one reason for that is all the holiday fun in real life and in the Petz Community! I was thrilled to find this sweet seasons greetings card from Lyric @ Lemonade Lyric Crittery in my virtual mailbox. Thanks, Lyric, and happy holidays to you too!

If you know me, you know I love dalis. So does Gin @ Gin'z Brewery! I love seeing her incredible dali breeding projects and hexes, and I'm happy to have found a friend who loves these silly, spotty dogz as much as I do. Thank you, Gin!

Oh, how I love the annual Whiskerwick Love Letter Exchange! These wonderful valentines from the 2023 edition really filled my heart with joy. Thank you, mysterious valentines!

While every graphic on this page is wonderful, this one is especially meaningful to me. I had fallen away from the Petz Community for the last year or so, but Thor still sent me this sweet holiday card. Talking with her reminded me of all the fun I had in the PC... and a few months later, I had opened the game for the first time in over a year. Thank you Thor, not just for this card, but for your steadfast friendship in and out of the PC. You are incredible.

These little gifts from the 2024 Whiskerwick Love Letter Exchange also mean a lot... even though I had been inactive for over a year, people still sent me valentines. I just... wow. This is an incredible community, and this kind of friendship is what brought me back after so long away. Thank you, mysterious valentines, with all my heart.

This silly card from Thor @ Thor's Petz made me laugh out loud! Roland and Nibbles are too cute to find nothing but coal in their stockings; they're nice, just like their owner! I'm happy that Thor is my petzy pal too.

A lovely holiday card from Nebula! I love her trademark warm pastels. And I love her love for stocky dachies! I feel like I got a LOT of tall and stocky dachies from her, and I sent a lot back through my breeding service. Indirect petz trading keeps the PC alive!