Petzy Pixels
Back in 2021, I tried my hand at pixel art for the first time and created some simple pixel portraits of my friends' petz for the annual Whiskerwick Love Letter Exchange. I really ended up liking how they turned out, so much so that I created a little doodle of Dapper and Mr. Moo to use as my new forum signature and site footer.

Pixel art of our beloved petz has been a part of the PC for the long time, from Petzies back in the day to Sharon's make-your-own pixel petz (which you should definitely check out). And for as long as there have been pixel art, there has been pixel art bases for the community. In that spirit, here are some petzy pixel bases free for you to use!
I've done my best to represent the ear and tail variation in catz and dogz, but please feel free to edit in unique traits to create pixelated versions of your favorite hexies! Or for original breedz, simply find the base that most resembles your pet, color them in, and share away! I'd love to see your creations. Keep an eye out for more poses coming soon!

Left to right: Taiga (Neonglowify @ Cadenza), Robusta (owned by Thor, bred by Nebula @ Poppy Hill), Jellybean (Penny @ Just Dandy), Wistful (Bec), Midge (owned and bred by Emmer @ Pawzative Attitude), and January (ParanoiaPaige @ Pearflower) pose beneath their pixel portraits, examples of the kind of art you can create with these bases.
Huge thanks to Thor and Emmer for letting their catz be my models!
Exotic Petz
People seemed to really enjoy these bases for their dogz and catz, so I figured I would make some bases for the other types of petz people sometimes have in their games! Here are bases for pigz, two types of bunniez, and mice!