Art Gallery
This page is a virtual art gallery of art of my petz! Made by the wonderful and talented artists of the PC, these pieces are especially close to my heart because they depict my favorite petz.

Petzies were a big trend back in the old days of the PC, and there are still some talented artists keeping this pixel art alive! This awesome petzie of my best boy Dapper was made by Koda using bases from NightShade's. Thanks, Koda!

I'm pretty sure that everyone in the PC loves getting art of their petz, and I'm no exception! When the talented bvgbyte/ennis @ Bowl began offering art of people's petz, I flipped. I love their style, and the chance of getting Dapper drawn was too much to resist! I love the way Dapper's playful spirit is captured in this drawing. Thanks, bvgbyte!

I'm still kind of blown away by this painting, to be honest. This beautiful art of my best boy Dapper was created by PeachPup @ Rainbow Roadhouse in exchange for a few gems on PUGS. When they offered me a drawing, I didn't know what to expect. I certainly hadn't anticipated opening my inbox and finding this masterpiece! I love all the reflections off of Dapper's fur and nose and the way his eyes look full of life and joy. Thanks, PeachPup!

I got this adorable little pixel art of Dapper from Buck in the Doodle the Pet Above You thread on Whiskerwick!! It's so fun to make and receive petz art! I love this little pixel art; those giant eyebrows are spot on! Thanks, Buck, for pixeling this adorable graphic of my favorite virtual friend!

Two adorable pixel portraits of my best boy Dapper by Mouse @ Cookie Planet! Mouse was offering Petz pixel art in a Whiskerwick thread, and after seeing the amazing examples of other people's cute petz, I knew I wanted a little pixelation of my favorite pet as well. I was blown away! I got two lovely pieces, one cute and teeny tiny, one detailed and striking. Both are amazing! Wow! Thank you so much, Mouse!

If you haven't guessed by now, I'm a total sucker for cute art of my boy Dapper. When I saw that Lex @ Lunar Lex Petz was offering headshots of people's petz on Whiskerwick, I just couldn't resist the chance to get Dapper drawn in Lex's awesome cartoon style. I love this drawing so much because Lex totally captured Dapper's energetic, silly personality! Thanks, Lex!

Yes, it's even more Dapper art!! Every time I see an art thread I cannot resist asking for one of my silly orange boy. The incredible Cherry @ Chimes has such a cute art style, and they perfectly captured his playful spirit! And, of course, all the fluff. I loved the Dapper drawing so much, I asked for one of Mr. Moo too, and he's perfect!!! Thanks, Cherry!