Generation 10 Collaboration
Codename: Project PRAUL
It was the early 2020s. The outside world was a little concerning, but the PC was experiencing a new revival as people returned to their favorite nostalgic games during the pandemic. It was during this time that four breeders, Audaxity @ Tangled Web, Lyric @ Lemonade, Rho @ Rho Petz, and Penny @ Just Dandy, each set about creating purebred, NIB, 8th generation dalmatian lines. But once we all hit generation 8, the story didn't end there...
Click the links below to jump to different entries!
The Family Tree
In the spring of 2022, Lyric was breeding an 8th-gen dali line, inspired by my project (which made me feel very warm and fuzzy when I found out), which had been in turn been inspired by Rho's breeding project. Lyric had mentioned in the Petzcord Discord server that he was working on the project and was hoping to get icy and dark green eyes.
Icy and dark green eyes? Hey, I had those! My girl Kaliedoscope, a 7th-generation dali from my project, carried green eyes beneath her silver, and Yuki, also 7th-gen, had those stunning icy eyes.

I bred a pair of 8th-gen dalis for Lyric, one with icy eyes and one with green, for him to potentially breed to his own line once he was done with the project.

Lyric was indeed interested, and it gave him an idea. There were a couple of other breeders who had or were working on NIB dali lines, namely Rho and Audaxity, so he gathered us together and proposed something wonderful: what if the four of us all worked together to create a 10-generation, purebred, non-inbred litter?
Unable to resist the concept of such a dog, we all agreed!
Audaxity, Lyric, Rho, and I each chose an 8th-generation dog from our lines for Lyric to breed together. These grandparents of our Gen 10s are shown below: Auddog from Audaxity, Dior from Rho, Chip from Lyric, and Mori from me. Thanks to my fellow breeders for the photos!

And what adorable puppiez these dogz made! The black- and white-furred litter is from Auddog x Mori, and the cream- and blue-furred litter is of course from the blue Dior x cream Chip above. Lyric sent each of us the litters to combine as we please to create our perfect Gen 10 dali!

From these I chose two dogz that I named Aura (black) and Choir (blue). I picked these two not for their fur colors, but their eye colors. They both have two sets of gorgeous green eyes in shades 137, 135, 134, and 130 (although Choir's eyes have a fluke mutation; they appear dark teal, 203, but his genetics show double green).

Green being one of my favorite colors (both for petz eyes and in general), I knew I wanted the special Gen 10 I was about to breed to have green eyes! Plus, Aura carried white fur, meaning my dream of a green eyed, white-coated Gen 10 dali was within my reach!
Dream Come True
It didn't take long for my dream of a white-coated, green-eyed pup to come true! When the birth certificate for a dog with white fur, green eyes, and white eyelids (!!!) popped up, I was filled with delight! I knew that green eyes and white fur were possible, but I didn't have high hopes for the white eyes carried by grandfather Mori to pass down, much less in combination with my other desired traits. But they did, and the result is spectacular!!!

While the first thing I noticed was his beauty, the second thing I noticed was how derpy he was. AND I LOVE IT!!

But I did manage to get some beautiful show photos from him in the end.

I finally had the dali of my dreams... so now I just needed the perfect name!
The Origin of Praul
To find a fitting name for this gorgeous dog, I turned to my fellow breeders, Lyric, Rho, and Audaxity. I wanted a name that reflected all of our contributions to this awesome project, and so together we started combining our names in different ways, trying to find something that sounded good. Should we name him Audenicho? Maybe Xyrhony? Aunyro? Nyaxyro? Axenyro?
None of them fit. It turns out trying to mix four very different names together is hard!! But then Audaxity had an idea...
"...I tried to like..mix the first part of each name together in acronym fashion, thought "Praul" and immediately banned myself from ever naming things again"
- Audaxity, 2022
We loved it. PRAUL. It was so silly and wonderful! Even thought we all decided it wouldn't be his official name, the dogz from this project would be nicknamed Praul from now to eternity.
Eventually we came up with his real name: Lyrhix. It combined the Lyr from Lyric, the Rh from Rho, and the X from Audaxity (which we all agreed was the coolest letter and needed to be included). The name is also reminiscent of Lyric, the one who brought us all together in the first place. Plus, it sounds cool! And Lyrhix seemed to like his new name.

As for his showname, I chose to name him Dandy's Audaxiously Lyrical Rhomance, another way to reflect the collaboration that made his creation possible. But he's not just a showdog to me... he's a representation of the creativity, dedication, and friendship that the members of the Petz Community share. I loved this project so much, and I love this dog!!

And in the spirit of this love, I have written...
Ode to Praul
Pixelated he may be,
but there's no greater dog than he
Regard his regal spotted coat
and eyes of brightest green
Ancestral line branching tenfold
to form his family tree
Uniting four great breeding lines
into one legacy
Lyrical and audacious,
romantic and dandy,
Call him Lyrhix, call him Praul,
beloved he will be!